I don't think you should worry too much! He will when he's ready! Austin told me that he wanted to poop on the big toilet at 3 and pee at 3.5 (sitting down)! He didn't pee standing up until when he started school! I remember in the States, they make diapers for 6+ so he still has a few more years to go! My mom nagged at me forever too about toilet training Austin too and said that she trained me at 1! I always believe when they're ready they will do what they're suppose.
Sigh...the real problem is...Moises refuses to wear diapers...Sigh...and the funny thing is, my parents start to train Aron now, gosh, he's only two months old!
I have some training pull-up diapers with CARS characters on them which I brought back from the States. Austin doesn't need them anymore! If you think Moises might be interested, I could mail them to you!
別氣啦~ 台灣溼熱的天氣, 一定可以成功的. 我同事超沒耐心去train, 乾脆放棄. 結果上學以後, 看同學做, 他也就會了. 順其自然吧! 別氣得高血壓才是. 我知道很難喔... 加油吧! 真是每一階段都有挑戰啊~
Tina / 小盧鄧子的媽, at 4/19/2008 9:37 AM
IceCreampuff, at 4/20/2008 12:04 AM
I don't think you should worry too much! He will when he's ready! Austin told me that he wanted to poop on the big toilet at 3 and pee at 3.5 (sitting down)! He didn't pee standing up until when he started school! I remember in the States, they make diapers for 6+ so he still has a few more years to go! My mom nagged at me forever too about toilet training Austin too and said that she trained me at 1! I always believe when they're ready they will do what they're suppose.
aiwen, at 4/20/2008 12:38 AM
Sigh...the real problem is...Moises refuses to wear diapers...Sigh...and the funny thing is, my parents start to train Aron now, gosh, he's only two months old!
沙子娘, at 4/21/2008 12:30 AM
真的非常感謝妳們! 每次遇到困難都因為妳們的安慰和鼓勵而再次激勵我! 謝謝!
沙子娘, at 4/21/2008 12:33 AM
I have some training pull-up diapers with CARS characters on them which I brought back from the States. Austin doesn't need them anymore! If you think Moises might be interested, I could mail them to you!
aiwen, at 4/21/2008 7:00 AM
Claire Shieh, at 4/21/2008 1:46 PM
加油啦! 不要灰心ㄋㄟ...
哈!這幾個星期,我也有想過要訓練stephanie ... 哈哈哈....不過,不知道怎麼訓練就是了! 哈哈...要再研究一下!:P
Esther, at 4/23/2008 6:48 AM
Aiwen, really? Wow..I think Moises will love to have the pull-ups with cars. Thanks!
沙子娘, at 4/23/2008 7:36 PM
我媽是起床飯後洗澡前都幫Aron噓. 其實我覺得是要幫他建立一個習慣. 這樣可能幫助BB提前學會...
沙子娘, at 4/23/2008 7:40 PM
其實小沙子不是不會 是他喜歡被我照顧的感覺 有幾次我發現是他來不及 不能怪他 這幾天我多多陪他 多放些注意力在他身上 他就好多了 幾次成功地到廁所便便 他每次大在褲子裡 都被大家"嫌" 好可憐!
沙子娘, at 4/23/2008 7:44 PM
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