沙子娘我居然得到高血壓! ? 在懷沙寶寶第22週開始 我的血壓就慢慢升高 從130到快生時150 還在生產過程中突然飆到180 醫生說通常生產完就會降下來 現在沙寶寶已經兩個月大了 卻是平均156/101 做了心電圖. X光. 驗血 不但一切正常還是超標準的那種喔 醫生說這是常態性高血壓 因為找不出原因 只能吃藥控制 治標不治 本而困難的是如果決定治療 就要放棄餵母奶 否則藥物會藉由乳汁被寶寶吃進去 如果不治療 我的心臟就會一直加班 一直辛苦的工作... 醫生問我: 每天過勞能撐多久? 高血壓可能使我得到很多可怕的病 我想了想 還是不能放棄餵母奶 至少要餵到Aron一歲吧! 神哪! 求祢給我正常的血壓! 我不想辜負祢創造母奶的美好!
Anonymous, at 4/11/2008 7:29 AM
我覺得母奶很好,可是您自己的身體更要照顧好喔!小baby沒有母奶也可以健康快樂,但是媽媽一定要健康有活力, 才能好好照顧小朋友, 也可以陪伴他們一起成長!
Anonymous, at 4/11/2008 8:56 AM
我也贊成joy薯的意見. 妳健康寶寶才有幸福啊! 說實話, 若除去母奶, 我覺得小盧子目前都很好帶. 只是好像不餵母奶變成個罪. 我想我能把握的母奶期恐怕也只有這三個月的假期. 等六月中回去上班可能都擠不出來了... 求神給我越來越多的庫存量吧! (其實我對餵母奶頗有壓力的...) 再說, 我從小都沒喝過一滴母奶...也是很健康啊!
Tina / 小盧鄧子的媽, at 4/11/2008 9:17 AM
哎呀! 對厚! 可雲媽你是中醫生嘛! 真是好主意! 我去看中醫然後看看醫生怎麼說!
謝謝joy薯和Tina! 是的! 我想沒有母奶Aron也會又高又壯! 況且現在的Formula除了抗體以外其他成分都何母奶幾乎一樣! 要往好的方面想!
沙子娘, at 4/11/2008 7:50 PM
Don't panic! You should do some research on the internet first! I found this... http://health.yahoo.com/pregnancy-resources/medication-use-while-breast-feeding/healthwise--hw129353.html
Also, you should try to find a nursing friendly doctor! I remember when I was nursing (for 3.5 years), I can't imagine how many doctors have asked me to stop because I needed to take medication. But I always change doctor from doctor until I find one who could offer other alternatives for breast feeding moms. Sometimes I have to change 3-4 doctors with tears in my eyes everytime! When they know how important breast feeding it is to you, sometimes they will find alternatives with you!
You could also ask La Leche League for help. I remember I e-mailed them from Taiwan and they replied in a day or two. Austin had breast feeding jaundice and most doctors in Taiwan asked me to stop nursing. But nursing friendly doctors in the States asked me to continue. Also when I had colds, fevers, urinal tract infections... I always managed to recover without medication and nurse with the help and support from La Leche League experts when doctors in Taiwan ask me to stop nursing. And my sisiter-in-law sometimes would ask her nursing friendly doctors in the States for me. You won't believe how different their attitude on nursing is!
I also remember my sister-in-law developed hyperthyroidism when she had her 3rd baby and had to stop nursing. She managed to postpone medication until the baby was one, then stopped nursing.
Or you could postpone medication for a few weeks and pump as much as you can before medication. This way, at least Aron will have some supply of breast milk in the freezer!
At the end, if you really have to stop, it's not the end of the world! Most babies grow up with formula. And they are fine!
I know how you feel! Hang in there! Don't stop without trying to find other alternatives if you really believe in nursing!
aiwen, at 4/11/2008 9:19 PM
Medication use while breast-feeding:
aiwen, at 4/11/2008 9:22 PM
I also found this:
I have recently been diagnosed with high bloodpressure. We still don`t know the cause since I have no family history of high blood pressure and all my blood work came back normal. My bloodpressure was normal during my latest pregnancy but high at the end of my first pregnancy 3 years ago. I am not overweight and are close to my pre pregnancy weight.
I have been taking APO HYDRO 25MG/HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDE 25 MG for about 3 weeks without it lowering my blood pressure a significant amount. My doctor gave me ZESTORETIC, but I am not sure how safe it will be for my baby (7 weeks old) since I am breast feeding.
This class of anti-hypertensive drug has not been reviewed by the AAP, however there are no reports thus far of problems in babies whose mothers are taking the medication while breastfeeding.
Because neonates are very sensitive to this type of anti-hypertensive, it should be avoided in the first 4 weeks after the birth.
Since your baby is 7 weeks old, it is no longer contraindicated.
The only precaution would be to monitor the infant for the theoretical complications of hypotension and or weakness.
Safer alternatives would be Captopril or Enalapril, both of which are approved by the American Academy of Pediatrics for use in breastfeeding mothers.
aiwen, at 4/11/2008 9:25 PM
Here's another... "Mother on Haldol breastfeeding newborn infant - Is it safe?"
PS. You should also take all the information you have and consult with your doctor. I remember I visited some ignorant doctors who can't even understand the information I have provided! Then it tells you that you should change doctor!
aiwen, at 4/11/2008 9:31 PM
Wow~ thank you so much for the info!
沙子娘, at 4/12/2008 2:21 AM
IceCreampuff, at 4/15/2008 12:13 AM
我和Stephanie 會為你的健康禱告的!
要記得喔~ 我們的身體是神的殿!
你們都要健康喔~ 要好好保養顧惜唷~~ ^^
Esther, at 4/15/2008 9:55 AM
謝謝~~~~ 我要去看中醫先!
沙子娘, at 4/15/2008 7:04 PM
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