Ha~ Ha~ Boys will be boys! Austin still makes a big mess in such a short time! He rarely cleans up! And after he does clean up, he makes another mess in just a few minutes! But don't worry! When they're in elementary school, they will only be interested in Gameboys, so no more cleaning up in a few years!
And about nursing, when he's old enough, he will get tired of getting up in the middle of the night and sleep through it! Austin didn't sleep through the night until 3. But many times when he woke up in the middle of the night, he just nurse himself without waking me up! Sometimes training yourself is as important as training him!
And toilet training... Austin now wears underwear and no more peeing in his pants for months. But he pees sitting down and throws his underwear and pants on the floor. So when he's out, I have to put toilet seat cover on the toilet or hold him while he pees, and make sure that he doesn't throw his pants on the filthy public restroom floor! Problem!!!
Also, I recently saw a program on cable about how each kid differ regarding the attention they need. There was a mom who just had a baby when her older son was 2. And it took the son a very long time and the mom a lot of effort to adjust. It also mentioned that some kids have no problem while few will need therapy. There were cases where kids who will do bad things to the baby to get attention! Better start training him now!
My sister-in-law once said... "Having one kid is heavenly, two kids is hard work, and three kids is impossible!"
Aiwen, Thank you again for your message. Very useful~! Hopefully Moises will not need a special care when the new baby arrives! And I had better get ready for harder works now. Hahaha!
Since I'm the fourth of five children, I'm glad my mother didn't think three children was impossible! One of my friends recently had her sixth child.
If you want your children to grow up to be good adults, I think it is much easier if you have more two or more - one is harder. So, yes, two is harder at the start (especially the first six months), but often easier later on.
I agree, Tony! And I think one is lonely, we can't be with them always, it's better to have two or more. Sometimes I am worried about finance, but soon, God's words come in soon to remind me He will support because children are His blessings.
ha ha ha, he looks like he is having so much fun!!
Claire Shieh, at 7/30/2007 3:23 PM
Anonymous, at 7/30/2007 5:13 PM
CLAIRE.. 對呀! 他最高興就是把家裏弄亂! 但現在我會要他跟我一起收. 可能過一陣子他會覺得要收很麻煩就不弄亂了. 呵呵!
joy薯.. 其實我也喊了半年了! 哈哈哈!
沙子娘, at 7/30/2007 6:09 PM
Anonymous, at 7/30/2007 9:32 PM
Ha~ Ha~ Boys will be boys! Austin still makes a big mess in such a short time! He rarely cleans up! And after he does clean up, he makes another mess in just a few minutes! But don't worry! When they're in elementary school, they will only be interested in Gameboys, so no more cleaning up in a few years!
And about nursing, when he's old enough, he will get tired of getting up in the middle of the night and sleep through it! Austin didn't sleep through the night until 3. But many times when he woke up in the middle of the night, he just nurse himself without waking me up! Sometimes training yourself is as important as training him!
And toilet training... Austin now wears underwear and no more peeing in his pants for months. But he pees sitting down and throws his underwear and pants on the floor. So when he's out, I have to put toilet seat cover on the toilet or hold him while he pees, and make sure that he doesn't throw his pants on the filthy public restroom floor! Problem!!!
Also, I recently saw a program on cable about how each kid differ regarding the attention they need. There was a mom who just had a baby when her older son was 2. And it took the son a very long time and the mom a lot of effort to adjust. It also mentioned that some kids have no problem while few will need therapy. There were cases where kids who will do bad things to the baby to get attention! Better start training him now!
My sister-in-law once said... "Having one kid is heavenly, two kids is hard work, and three kids is impossible!"
aiwen, at 7/31/2007 1:46 PM
Thank you again for your message. Very useful~! Hopefully Moises will not need a special care when the new baby arrives! And I had better get ready for harder works now. Hahaha!
沙子娘, at 8/01/2007 5:31 PM
Since I'm the fourth of five children, I'm glad my mother didn't think three children was impossible! One of my friends recently had her sixth child.
If you want your children to grow up to be good adults, I think it is much easier if you have more two or more - one is harder. So, yes, two is harder at the start (especially the first six months), but often easier later on.
Anonymous, at 8/01/2007 10:13 PM
I agree, Tony! And I think one is lonely, we can't be with them always, it's better to have two or more. Sometimes I am worried about finance, but soon, God's words come in soon to remind me He will support because children are His blessings.
沙子娘, at 8/02/2007 8:42 AM
可...可...可...可是現在六點就天亮了耶~ 可以喝ㄋㄟㄋㄟ嗎? 哈哈哈~ 破壞王還是很聽話喔!!!
Tina / 小盧鄧子的媽, at 8/03/2007 10:37 AM
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