Austin's lazy mamma didn't potty train him. When he's 2, I often put him on the potty every once in a while or when he looks like he wants to go. He uses the potty as a chair and pees and poops in the potty usually by accident! So I stopped!
When he turned 3, he didn't like poop in his diaper anymore. So he will tell me that he wants to poop on the toilet! And when he's about 3.5, he tells me when he wants to pee too! Now he's 4 and wearing underwear! But he still needs help taking his pants on and off!
And about "nei nei" I remember my sister-in-law nursing 2 kids at the same time, they're two years apart! And a lot of moms do that so it's no big deal! Austin weaned himself at 3.5. When he's 3, he only need to nurse when he naps. So when he stopped napping, he stopped nursing!
I just think there's no rush making your baby grow up! They will grow on their own time, sooner or later!
Aiwen.. Thank you so much for your experience and tips! Every time when I have trouble or presure from my parents about weaning, you are always there giving me a good support! Yes, I really believe the baby knows when to stop, but I am just afraid it will happen when he turns 8... @@ Hope not!! I read lots of articles and other mom's stories about nursing two kids at the same time, and many of them are doing pretty good. Moises only needs to be nursed before nap and go to bed at night, sometimes he wakes up early in the morning at 6am looking for my breasts, but he will go right back to sleep after a little nurse. Recently, Moises likes to "chew" my nipples before nap, sometimes it lasts one hour and he doesn't even fall asleep. That's really painful!
joy薯, at 7/21/2007 9:43 AM
沙子娘, at 7/21/2007 10:32 PM
Austin's lazy mamma didn't potty train him. When he's 2, I often put him on the potty every once in a while or when he looks like he wants to go. He uses the potty as a chair and pees and poops in the potty usually by accident! So I stopped!
When he turned 3, he didn't like poop in his diaper anymore. So he will tell me that he wants to poop on the toilet! And when he's about 3.5, he tells me when he wants to pee too! Now he's 4 and wearing underwear! But he still needs help taking his pants on and off!
And about "nei nei" I remember my sister-in-law nursing 2 kids at the same time, they're two years apart! And a lot of moms do that so it's no big deal! Austin weaned himself at 3.5. When he's 3, he only need to nurse when he naps. So when he stopped napping, he stopped nursing!
I just think there's no rush making your baby grow up! They will grow on their own time, sooner or later!
aiwen, at 7/22/2007 10:40 AM
Aiwen.. Thank you so much for your experience and tips! Every time when I have trouble or presure from my parents about weaning, you are always there giving me a good support! Yes, I really believe the baby knows when to stop, but I am just afraid it will happen when he turns 8... @@ Hope not!! I read lots of articles and other mom's stories about nursing two kids at the same time, and many of them are doing pretty good. Moises only needs to be nursed before nap and go to bed at night, sometimes he wakes up early in the morning at 6am looking for my breasts, but he will go right back to sleep after a little nurse. Recently, Moises likes to "chew" my nipples before nap, sometimes it lasts one hour and he doesn't even fall asleep. That's really painful!
沙子娘, at 7/22/2007 9:00 PM
IceCreampuff, at 7/23/2007 5:03 PM
哈哈哈~~~~ 謝謝JANICE阿姨! 我每天就是這樣給他洗腦的啦! 我現在知道為什麼我媽會這麼囉唆就是這樣來的! 嘿嘿嘿!
沙子娘, at 7/23/2007 7:39 PM
Ha~ Ha~ You'd better tell him "No chewing, or no neinei!"
Also, I try to nurse Austin in bed for no more than 10-20 minutes, then just cuddle but no neinei until he falls asleep!
aiwen, at 7/24/2007 10:05 PM
我告訴他媽媽會給你喝 不勉強他 想睡就要睡不要硬喝 他就好多了 這兩天一覺到天亮11點到8點沒醒來 感謝神~ 他有進不了 我真的不能勉強他 只能慢慢跟他溝通 慢慢幫他心理建設 慢慢幫他成長 這是神給我的功課!
沙子娘, at 7/25/2007 2:45 PM
Aiwen, you are so right! Thank you for sharing your experience and tips!!
沙子娘, at 7/25/2007 2:45 PM
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