You know, God create women's body in a miraculous way! You should listen to human nature! Our body works naturally to feed our child! The more your baby cries, the more milk you have, and the more he cries...... until you feed him!
Have you ever thought about gradually weaning him? It's really not good for you and your baby to stop nursing all of a sudden! His body and your body won't adjust physically and psychologically! (sort of like quit smoking)!
Austin stopped night nursing at 3 natrually. He just slept thru the night and didn't want to get up anymore. Before that, he still gets up once or twice at night! But he stopped day nursing before 2 and only nurse when he needs a nap. So it was a gradual process. And my body learned to control how much milk to produce when he's around 1.5-2 (and I stopped leaking and stopped wearing a pad). Maybe you should lessen his nursing times day by day, or even week by week!
Nursing should be a happy thing, not a sad thing! Good luck!
Aiwen.. I totally agree with you! I really don't think this is a good idea because he cries even harder today. But my parents insists me to do this..... and my mom keeps saying I spoilt him. They think he's so difficult because of me, it's all my fault. Ai~~~ I don't know... I really don't know what to do now.
If you really want him to quit cold turkey, you shouldn't be present! If he sees you, he see's "milk"! But eventually, he will see you, and he will cry! Weaning gradually is the best way! Unless you don't mind him crying! Then just let him cry!
My parents and my husband's parents and everybody old all told me to quit nursing when Austin turned 1 (even some old doctors & nurses). They also told me not to drink water and take showers when Austin's born. What do they know? That's why I don't trust old people with babies. They're just too out dated! They were going to let Austin drink honey and feed him peanut butter! Are they trying to kill him?
That's what I suggested to them, I should leave the house for several days, but they didn't agree. They want me stay by the side, at night, they go to bed let me sleep with my baby. Ai~~ if so, I could just do it myself in the US, I don't need to come back ya! Ai~~ I don't think I can leave him like this anyway. Let me tell you something funny, for these few days, my parents took Moises out, left me in the house to clean. I really have problems communicating with my parents. Please pray for me! Thank you!
May God give you strength to communicate with your parents and set poor little Moises free, and may God give you strength to clean up the house! Ha! Ha!
Your sister-in-law introduced 小沙子's blog to me. She and Jeff live in my house right now. I have a 9 months old girl and I have been enjoying reading his blog.
I really felt bad seeing 小沙子 suffers from quitting his night nursing and hope you would find a more comfortable way for him and yourself.
I was like you before wanting so badly to quit Jessica's night nursing. I tried the cry-it-out method but not just I did not succeed and she became even more attached to me. Finally, I gave up and decided to let her quit it on her own whever she is ready. All of sudden, one month later she never wakes up and can sleep through 9 hours straight during the night.
I agreed to aiwen. Nursing should not just be a duty and must be a happy thing:) Good luck!
Thank you all so so so much! I breastfed Moises last night, he felt asleep afterwards from 9 to 6. He slept through the night~! I am very happy about that. I decided to wean gradually by feeding him less during the day and no feeding at night. Thank you again for your prayers! I believe this is the best way for me and my baby. ^_^
Hello Vivien! Nice meeting you! Welcome to my blog!
想喝奶的沒奶喝, 不想餵的還有奶
那個兩隻老虎歌也太妙了, 小沙子不曉得聽不聽的懂哩!
Anonymous, at 1/14/2007 5:16 PM
Dear 沙子娘,
You know, God create women's body in a miraculous way! You should listen to human nature! Our body works naturally to feed our child! The more your baby cries, the more milk you have, and the more he cries...... until you feed him!
Have you ever thought about gradually weaning him? It's really not good for you and your baby to stop nursing all of a sudden! His body and your body won't adjust physically and psychologically! (sort of like quit smoking)!
Austin stopped night nursing at 3 natrually. He just slept thru the night and didn't want to get up anymore. Before that, he still gets up once or twice at night! But he stopped day nursing before 2 and only nurse when he needs a nap. So it was a gradual process. And my body learned to control how much milk to produce when he's around 1.5-2 (and I stopped leaking and stopped wearing a pad). Maybe you should lessen his nursing times day by day, or even week by week!
Nursing should be a happy thing, not a sad thing! Good luck!
aiwen, at 1/14/2007 7:26 PM
Aiwen.. I totally agree with you! I really don't think this is a good idea because he cries even harder today. But my parents insists me to do this..... and my mom keeps saying I spoilt him. They think he's so difficult because of me, it's all my fault. Ai~~~ I don't know... I really don't know what to do now.
沙子娘, at 1/14/2007 8:52 PM
煩~~~ 想採取漸進方式但是已經斷快兩天了不知道如果給他喝會不會把他搞混 天阿 好煩喔~~ 他又想喝奶了 我媽叫我塗辣椒
沙子娘, at 1/14/2007 11:29 PM
我沒有類似的經驗, 不知該如何幫你
我一直都是擠出來, 放在奶瓶餵他們
Anonymous, at 1/15/2007 12:20 AM
If you really want him to quit cold turkey, you shouldn't be present! If he sees you, he see's "milk"! But eventually, he will see you, and he will cry! Weaning gradually is the best way! Unless you don't mind him crying! Then just let him cry!
My parents and my husband's parents and everybody old all told me to quit nursing when Austin turned 1 (even some old doctors & nurses). They also told me not to drink water and take showers when Austin's born. What do they know? That's why I don't trust old people with babies. They're just too out dated! They were going to let Austin drink honey and feed him peanut butter! Are they trying to kill him?
aiwen, at 1/15/2007 1:12 AM
That's what I suggested to them, I should leave the house for several days, but they didn't agree. They want me stay by the side, at night, they go to bed let me sleep with my baby. Ai~~ if so, I could just do it myself in the US, I don't need to come back ya! Ai~~ I don't think I can leave him like this anyway. Let me tell you something funny, for these few days, my parents took Moises out, left me in the house to clean. I really have problems communicating with my parents. Please pray for me! Thank you!
沙子娘, at 1/15/2007 3:52 AM
沙子娘, at 1/15/2007 3:57 AM
May God give you strength to communicate with your parents and set poor little Moises free, and may God give you strength to clean up the house! Ha! Ha!
aiwen, at 1/15/2007 7:19 AM
joy薯, at 1/15/2007 8:45 AM
那一陣子,為了確保他半夜醒來不是因為餓, 在他睡覺前, 我會拿cheerios給他吃,讓他多吃一點...但有時清晨還是會餓,所以喝點優酪乳,他就睡了...
joy薯, at 1/15/2007 8:50 AM
joy薯, at 1/15/2007 8:57 AM
joy薯, at 1/15/2007 8:58 AM
Dear 沙子娘,
Your sister-in-law introduced 小沙子's blog to me. She and Jeff live in my house right now. I have a 9 months old girl and I have been enjoying reading his blog.
I really felt bad seeing 小沙子 suffers from quitting his night nursing and hope you would find a more comfortable way for him and yourself.
I was like you before wanting so badly to quit Jessica's night nursing. I tried the cry-it-out method but not just I did not succeed and she became even more attached to me. Finally, I gave up and decided to let her quit it on her own whever she is ready. All of sudden, one month later she never wakes up and can sleep through 9 hours straight during the night.
I agreed to aiwen. Nursing should not just be a duty and must be a happy thing:) Good luck!
Anonymous, at 1/15/2007 10:49 AM
Thank you all so so so much! I breastfed Moises last night, he felt asleep afterwards from 9 to 6. He slept through the night~! I am very happy about that. I decided to wean gradually by feeding him less during the day and no feeding at night. Thank you again for your prayers! I believe this is the best way for me and my baby. ^_^
Hello Vivien! Nice meeting you! Welcome to my blog!
沙子娘, at 1/15/2007 10:04 PM
經過這兩天慘烈的經驗 小沙子好像突然長大了一點 雖然他還是有點 "盧" 哈哈哈.. 而且大人們因此有了溝通與討論 我們也成長了許多
沙子娘, at 1/15/2007 10:52 PM
IceCreampuff, at 1/16/2007 7:27 PM
對呀~ 討厭的蚊子! 殺!!!
沙子娘, at 1/16/2007 7:46 PM
謝謝大家的幫助和支持.. 真的好感動! 小沙子昨夜9點睡凌晨3點醒來我給他溫水喝他喝完就回去睡. 6點又醒一次我給他喝母奶. 之後一直睡到8點. 我想他是會餓吧!
沙子娘, at 1/17/2007 12:36 AM
Dear 沙子娘,
恭喜你! 小沙子很棒了! 慢慢的來就對了! 白天比較好轉移注意力! 晚上比較難, 因為你就在他旁邊!
aiwen, at 1/17/2007 5:20 AM
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