It depends on you! Everybody is different! I know people who leave their kids in the States with their relatives while they live happily and carefree in Taiwan! But I probably would rather have my children near me, even though I'd be exhausted, or I will worry my head off!
What about asking your mom to go to the States with you? Even if it's just for a few weeks? I mean they have to ship him back to the States anyway, right?
As for Moises, I believe kids will adjust very fast. He might cry for a few days. But they will soon get over it! He will be in good hands at his grandparents!
Aiwan, I really can't leave my children with relatives and live happily and carefree in another place, it's not me! I always have Moises with me, 24/7, he never leaves me! I am just worried I will be too tired taking care of a baby and a 3 year old myself, and also the financial problem.... maybe I am just worried too much! It's not as bad as I thought!
It's a good idea to have my mom to go to the States with me. Let me discuss with her. Thank you for your suggestion, very useful!
我母親在我快三歲的時候離開我去美國 大人都告訴我她很快就會回來 但是心裡那種不安的感覺是無法形容的 到現在三十幾年過去 我沒再相信過她 也還沒能諒解過 沒媽媽的小朋友真的真的會很沒安全感的...經濟問題是一時的 心理狀態影響一輩子.
Anonymous, at 1/29/2008 4:57 AM
It depends on you! Everybody is different! I know people who leave their kids in the States with their relatives while they live happily and carefree in Taiwan! But I probably would rather have my children near me, even though I'd be exhausted, or I will worry my head off!
What about asking your mom to go to the States with you? Even if it's just for a few weeks? I mean they have to ship him back to the States anyway, right?
As for Moises, I believe kids will adjust very fast. He might cry for a few days. But they will soon get over it! He will be in good hands at his grandparents!
aiwen, at 1/30/2008 12:16 AM
可憐的沙爹! 看到你寫的真令人心酸! 放心! 我絕不會騙我的小孩說我很快回來. 然後根本不回來. 我明白這對小孩的傷害有多大!
其實..小沙子的情況和你不同. 阿嬤也只要求3個月而已! 我會禱告問神的意思!
現在小沙子要面對的第一個挑戰是.. 我去生沙寶寶時會在醫院住3天然後接著住月子中心7天. 看看他適應的如何. 最近我ㄧ直在跟他說這件事. 他很高興的接受. 還很期待看到沙寶寶呢!
沙子娘, at 1/30/2008 3:40 AM
Aiwan, I really can't leave my children with relatives and live happily and carefree in another place, it's not me! I always have Moises with me, 24/7, he never leaves me! I am just worried I will be too tired taking care of a baby and a 3 year old myself, and also the financial problem.... maybe I am just worried too much! It's not as bad as I thought!
It's a good idea to have my mom to go to the States with me. Let me discuss with her. Thank you for your suggestion, very useful!
沙子娘, at 1/30/2008 3:48 AM
我想只要跟小沙子說好, 說實話...但別說得好像是底迪的因素. (怕他會不爽底迪...)小沙子若可以接受, 這真的是很好的安排. 因為時間不長啊~
Tina / 小盧鄧子的媽, at 1/30/2008 9:20 AM
最好是自已帶啦. 小沙子可能會受傷害哦!!
如果你只帶小小沙, 他會不會覺得你有小小沙後, 只有帶小小沙走呢? 而且小沙子真得比較敏感點. 怕的還有阿公阿嬤太寵啦!!
希望妳和沙爹好好商量, 我想他也是很想小沙子!
Claire Shieh, at 1/30/2008 12:06 PM
我的公司七月份有三天兩夜的Annual Meeting
我無法想像要放開Amelia 即使只昰兩三天
她昰少喝很多 白天也不太會討奶
我學你那招 一直跟她說 大baby不喝媽媽ㄋㄟ ㄋㄟ
她小姐就會說Moo Moo 不昰大baby
~Princess Amimi~, at 1/30/2008 10:59 PM
我還是覺得不平安! 不能讓小沙子自己住阿嬤家!
沙子娘, at 2/01/2008 1:52 AM
Amy, MOMO 拒絕承認也不肯接受嗎? 哈哈! 可能要繼續說服她或是換個方法跟她說.. 例如.. 某某人都不喝囉~ 她喜歡的人 試試看! 加油!
沙子娘, at 2/01/2008 1:54 AM
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