Ha~ Ha~ I remember the good old days! When Austin was two, he liked to sit on the little potty as a chair and read and play. Then he stopped! It's not until he's three that he started to climb up onto the big toilet to poop. Pee came a few months later!
hehe.. that's good to know.. did you train him or just wait till he did it by himself? i read Moises books about potty and let him watch videos, he loves them, but he doesn't seem to know he can do it, too.
I read that it's biological. When his body is ready, he will be able to control it! And until his body is ready, peepee and poopoo into the potty or toilet is mostly coincidents! So we moms could only show them how it's done. But it's up to them when and how they want to do it! Some earlier, others later!
Sounds much better and easier. I hate training him to go potty. My mom or older people always tell me to "把" him, every two hours, bla bla~~~ Sigh! Life is hard already! They try to make my life even harder!
Ha~ Ha~ I can relate! My mom said that I was trained at one (ya, right!) So she nagged about trainning Austin at 2, after he began to use his potty as a chair and sits on it all the time!
My mom also told me to dump the diapers and put on underwear. She said when he gets sick and tired of peeing in his underwear, he'll use the potty! So I tried putting underwear on him for ONE DAY and ended up washing them every few hours... then I quit!
He will sometimes tell us he needs to pee. But by the time we take him, it's usually too late! Poo is easier... when we see his face turns red, we still have time to take him. But sometimes he will run and hide so we can't see him. It's just too much trouble...
Until one day, he told me that he wants to sit on the big toilet to make poo.. but still pee in his daipers! Then few months later, he tells me that he wants to pee on the big toilet and could hold until he gets there! That was when he's 3-3.5!
Now that I volunteer at school, I see that the teachers takes their entire class (2 & 3 yr. olds) to the bathroom every hour! It's like a field trip. The classes spend at least 10 minutes at the bathroom every hour! If you have the time, you could try doing that!
Yes, I don't believe any baby can be potty trained at 1 year old. Potty trained means the child voluntarily goes to the potty.
Now my mom mentioned a possible explanation - that the baby isn't really potted trained at 1, but the mom watches for signs of an coming poo poo (or pee pee) and rushes the baby to the potty.
Even if that method was desirable, it's not always possible - some children don't make obvious pre-potty signs (my daughter normally doesn't).
wow.. thank you! you guys gave me some very important concepts and infomations! Now I have a better vision of what to do now! that's really great! thanks again!
Ha~ Ha~ I remember the good old days! When Austin was two, he liked to sit on the little potty as a chair and read and play. Then he stopped! It's not until he's three that he started to climb up onto the big toilet to poop. Pee came a few months later!
aiwen, at 10/20/2007 6:01 AM
hehe.. that's good to know.. did you train him or just wait till he did it by himself? i read Moises books about potty and let him watch videos, he loves them, but he doesn't seem to know he can do it, too.
沙子娘, at 10/21/2007 4:02 PM
to 沙子娘,
I read that it's biological. When his body is ready, he will be able to control it! And until his body is ready, peepee and poopoo into the potty or toilet is mostly coincidents! So we moms could only show them how it's done. But it's up to them when and how they want to do it! Some earlier, others later!
aiwen, at 10/22/2007 5:22 AM
IceCreampuff, at 10/22/2007 11:08 PM
Sounds much better and easier. I hate training him to go potty. My mom or older people always tell me to "把" him, every two hours, bla bla~~~ Sigh! Life is hard already! They try to make my life even harder!
沙子娘, at 10/23/2007 5:41 AM
哈哈哈~ 那妳要告訴他...貢獻一點嘛...聽文玫說Noah因為台灣天氣熱就*順便*會坐馬桶了...
Tina / 小盧鄧子的媽, at 10/23/2007 3:36 PM
Don't make things harder than they have to be, being a parent is already hard enough. Most mothers worry too much.
The "Once upon a potty" video's doctor said not to even start potty training until the children are two years old!
My niece trained at around 2, my nephew at around 3 (boys often do take longer).
Anonymous, at 10/23/2007 7:39 PM
哈哈哈~ 我發現要他貢獻黃金是粉難的~ 我想他懂了就會了吧! 只是他現在喜歡光屁股像小狗一樣愛到處尿尿.. 還跟我說他不是小狗喔! @#@$%^??? 真是好氣又好笑!!!
沙子娘, at 10/24/2007 1:43 PM
I really should take it easy! I will leave it to God. I believe He will let me know what's the best for Moises.
沙子娘, at 10/24/2007 1:46 PM
Ha~ Ha~ I can relate! My mom said that I was trained at one (ya, right!) So she nagged about trainning Austin at 2, after he began to use his potty as a chair and sits on it all the time!
My mom also told me to dump the diapers and put on underwear. She said when he gets sick and tired of peeing in his underwear, he'll use the potty! So I tried putting underwear on him for ONE DAY and ended up washing them every few hours... then I quit!
He will sometimes tell us he needs to pee. But by the time we take him, it's usually too late! Poo is easier... when we see his face turns red, we still have time to take him. But sometimes he will run and hide so we can't see him. It's just too much trouble...
Until one day, he told me that he wants to sit on the big toilet to make poo.. but still pee in his daipers! Then few months later, he tells me that he wants to pee on the big toilet and could hold until he gets there! That was when he's 3-3.5!
Now that I volunteer at school, I see that the teachers takes their entire class (2 & 3 yr. olds) to the bathroom every hour! It's like a field trip. The classes spend at least 10 minutes at the bathroom every hour! If you have the time, you could try doing that!
aiwen, at 10/25/2007 1:15 AM
Yes, I don't believe any baby can be potty trained at 1 year old. Potty trained means the child voluntarily goes to the potty.
Now my mom mentioned a possible explanation - that the baby isn't really potted trained at 1, but the mom watches for signs of an coming poo poo (or pee pee) and rushes the baby to the potty.
Even if that method was desirable, it's not always possible - some children don't make obvious pre-potty signs (my daughter normally doesn't).
Anonymous, at 10/25/2007 9:48 AM
wow.. thank you! you guys gave me some very important concepts and infomations! Now I have a better vision of what to do now! that's really great! thanks again!
沙子娘, at 10/26/2007 9:42 AM
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